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Carroll County DMV

DMV Office near Carroll county

Carroll County DMV

Opening Hours & Appointments in Carroll DMV.

Here you will find information about opening hours and appointments at the Carroll DMV.

About Carroll DMV offices list.

We have found the closest DMV office, 7.02 miles away off Carroll, at 102 North 2nd Street, Green Forest.

We also offer you seven other alternative offices, sorted by distance.

Offices in Carroll County:

  • 7 mi.

    Green Forest Revenue Office

    102 North 2nd Street

    Green Forest, Carroll county

    Appointment icon for Green Forest officeNo info
    Office info Friday hours: 08:30-16:30

  • 10 mi.

    Berryville Revenue Office

    105 Spring St.

    Berryville, Carroll county

    Appointment icon for Berryville officeNo info
    Office info Friday hours: 08:00-16:30

Offices in Arkansas near Carroll County:

  • 28 mi.

    Huntsville Revenue Office

    705 N. Parrott Drive, Ste. A

    Huntsville, Madison county

    Appointment icon for Huntsville officeNo info
    Office info Friday hours: 08:00-16:30

  • 32 mi.

    Testing Facility

    5196 Hwy 65 South

    Harrison, Boone county

    Appointment icon for Harrison officeNo info
    Office info Friday hours: 08:00-11:30

  • 36 mi.

    Office of Motor Vehicles

    1020 Goblin Dr., Stes. A & B

    Harrison, Boone county

    Appointment icon for Harrison officeNo info
    Office info Friday hours: 08:00-16:30

  • 43 mi.

    Jasper Testing Facility

    300 N. Spring St.

    Jasper, Newton county

    Appointment icon for Jasper officeNo info
    Office info Closed on Friday

  • 43 mi.

    Jasper Revenue Office

    108 North Spring Street

    Jasper, Newton county

    Appointment icon for Jasper officeNo info
    Office info Friday hours: 08:00-16:30

  • 52 mi.

    Testing Facility

    5056 Highway 412-B

    Huntsville, Madison county

    Appointment icon for Huntsville officeNo info
    Office info Closed on Friday

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DMV Appointment in Carroll County

Appointment information

Unfortunately, Carroll does not offer information about appointments. We recommend contacting your nearest office.

Unfortunately, Carroll does not offer information about appointments. We recommend contacting your nearest office.

Unfortunately, Carroll does not offer information about appointments. We recommend contacting your nearest office.

DMV Hours in Carroll County

Today, being Friday, Carroll DMV offices open at different hours, starting from 8 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.

Opening hours:

    5056 Highway 412-B
    Huntsville, Madison county
    105 Spring St.
    Berryville, Carroll county
    8 a.m.
    5196 Hwy 65 South
    Harrison, Boone county
    8 a.m.
    102 North 2nd Street
    Green Forest, Carroll county
    8:30 a.m.
    1020 Goblin Dr., Stes. A & B
    Harrison, Boone county
    8 a.m.
    300 N. Spring St.
    Jasper, Newton county
    108 North Spring Street
    Jasper, Newton county
    8 a.m.
    705 N. Parrott Drive, Ste. A
    Huntsville, Madison county
    8 a.m.

However, take into consideration that two offices are closed today.

Today, being Friday, Carroll DMV offices close at different hours, starting from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Closing hours:

    5056 Highway 412-B
    Huntsville, Madison county
    105 Spring St.
    Berryville, Carroll county
    4:30 p.m.
    5196 Hwy 65 South
    Harrison, Boone county
    11:30 a.m.
    102 North 2nd Street
    Green Forest, Carroll county
    4:30 p.m.
    1020 Goblin Dr., Stes. A & B
    Harrison, Boone county
    4:30 p.m.
    300 N. Spring St.
    Jasper, Newton county
    108 North Spring Street
    Jasper, Newton county
    4:30 p.m.
    705 N. Parrott Drive, Ste. A
    Huntsville, Madison county
    4:30 p.m.

Tomorrow, being Saturday, all DMV offices in Carroll will remain close.

No, the Carroll DMV doesn't open on weekends.

No, the Carroll DMV doesn't open on Saturday.

No, the Carroll DMV doesn't open on Sunday.

Cities in Carroll county

Counties in Arkansas

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