*DATA SOURCE: The information shown on this page was obtained from the official Minnesota website: https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/dvs/Pages/drivers-license-information.aspx. Last update: May 08, 2023.
Hours & availability may change. Please call before visiting.
This office will be closed during the following holidays:
Both the written test and the road test will need to have appointments.
These appointments can be made either by phone at (651) 284-1234 or online here: Schedule your DMV appointment in Montevideo
Depends on the service: Appointment is needed for some services.
Both the written test and the road test will need to have appointments.
These appointments can be made either by phone at (651) 284-1234 or online here: Schedule your DMV appointment in Montevideo
Depends on the service: Appointment is needed for some services.
Both the written test and the road test will need to have appointments.
These appointments can be made either by phone at (651) 284-1234 or online here: Schedule your DMV appointment in Montevideo
Today, being Saturday, this office remains closed.
Today, being Saturday, this office remains closed.
Tomorrow, being Sunday, this office will be close.
No, Montevideo's office remains closed on weekends.
No, Montevideo's office is closed on Saturdays.
No, Montevideo's office is closed on Sunday.
641 Prentice St.
Granite Falls, Yellow Medicine county
711 Sixth St.
Dawson, Lac qui Parle county
600 Sixth St.
Madison, Lac qui Parle county
200 13th St. S.
Benson, Swift county
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