Here you will find information about opening hours and appointments at the Todd DMV.
We have found the closest DMV office, 6.59 miles away off Todd, at 42 3rd Street N., Long Prairie.
We also offer you seven other alternative offices, sorted by distance.
42 3rd Street N.
Long Prairie, Todd county
Appointment needed for some services221 First Ave. S., Suite 300
Long Prairie, Todd county
Appointment needed for some services211 4th St. NE
Staples, Wadena county
Walk-in accepted107 2nd St. SE
Little Falls, Morrison county
Appointment needed for some services213 First Ave. S.E.
Little Falls, Morrison county
Appointment needed for some servicesNo appointment is necessary for the written test, that is given at 10:00 ONLY (first come, first serve basis).
To make an appointment for the behind the wheel testing you need to either appear in person at the Library in Long Prairie on Fridays OR on Monday & Tuesday you can call the Alexandria office at 320-762-7808 and ask for a Long Prairie appointment.
Another option is to go online and make an appointment here: Schedule your DMV appointment in Todd
Depends on the service: Appointment is needed for some services.
No appointment is necessary for the written test, that is given at 10:00 ONLY (first come, first serve basis).
To make an appointment for the behind the wheel testing you need to either appear in person at the Library in Long Prairie on Fridays OR on Monday & Tuesday you can call the Alexandria office at 320-762-7808 and ask for a Long Prairie appointment.
Another option is to go online and make an appointment here: Schedule your DMV appointment in Todd
Depends on the service: Appointment is needed for some services.
No appointment is necessary for the written test, that is given at 10:00 ONLY (first come, first serve basis).
To make an appointment for the behind the wheel testing you need to either appear in person at the Library in Long Prairie on Fridays OR on Monday & Tuesday you can call the Alexandria office at 320-762-7808 and ask for a Long Prairie appointment.
Another option is to go online and make an appointment here: Schedule your DMV appointment in Todd
Today, being Sunday, all DMV offices in Todd will remain close.
Today, being Sunday, all DMV offices in Todd will remain close.
Tomorrow, being Monday, Todd DMV offices will open at different times, starting from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m.
Opening hours:
Offices | Monday |
213 First Ave. S.E. Little Falls, Morrison county | 8 a.m. |
211 4th St. NE Staples, Wadena county | 9 a.m. |
107 2nd St. SE Little Falls, Morrison county | Closed |
42 3rd Street N. Long Prairie, Todd county | Closed |
342 N. Main St. Sauk Centre, Stearns county | 9 a.m. |
9 Central Ave. Long Prairie, Todd county | 7:30 a.m. |
221 First Ave. S., Suite 300 Long Prairie, Todd county | 8 a.m. |
However, take into consideration that two offices will be closed tomorrow.
No, the Todd DMV doesn't open on weekends.
No, the Todd DMV doesn't open on Saturday.
No, the Todd DMV doesn't open on Sunday.