*DATA SOURCE: The information shown on this page was obtained from the official Minnesota website: https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/dvs/Pages/drivers-license-information.aspx. Last update: May 08, 2023.
This office will be closed during the following holidays:
The License Center is open with no appointment necessary.
All building access is through the Law Enforcement Center doors.
No. Walk-ins are accepted.
Yes. Walk-ins are accepted.
Today, being Saturday, this office remains closed.
Today, being Saturday, this office remains closed.
Tomorrow, being Sunday, this office will be close.
No, Albert Lea's office remains closed on weekends.
No, Albert Lea's office is closed on Saturdays.
No, Albert Lea's office is closed on Sunday.
435 S Grove St, St 1-B
Blue Earth, Faribault county
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