Here you will find information about opening hours and appointments at the Jefferson DMV.
We have found the closest DMV office, 196.86 miles away off Jefferson, at 175 Arsenal St., County Building, Watertown.
We also offer you seven other alternative offices, sorted by distance.
175 Arsenal St., County Building
Watertown, Jefferson county
Appointment neededThe Watertown DMV is operating by appointment only.
Plate Surrenders do not need an appointment.
Forms & Test booklets are available at the reception desk without an appointment.
You can make your appointment online here:
Yes. Appointment is needed for all services.
You can schedule your appointment online pressing here.
No. Appointment is needed for all services.
You can schedule your appointment online pressing here.
Today, being Sunday, all DMV offices in Jefferson will remain close.
Today, being Sunday, all DMV offices in Jefferson will remain close.
Tomorrow, being Monday, Jefferson DMV offices will open at different times, starting from 8:30 a.m. to 9 a.m.
Opening hours:
Offices | Monday |
284 Main St. Schoharie, Schoharie county | 8:30 a.m. |
64 Broadway Fonda, Montgomery county | 8:30 a.m. |
7209 Route 28 Shandaken, Ulster county | Closed |
44 Grand Street Sidney, Delaware county | 9 a.m. |
197 Main St. Cooperstown, Otsego county | 8:30 a.m. |
773 Main St. Margaretville, Delaware county | 9 a.m. |
223 W. Main St. Johnstown, Fulton county | 9 a.m. |
175 Arsenal St., County Building Watertown, Jefferson county | 9 a.m. |
However, take into consideration that one office will be closed tomorrow.
No, the Jefferson DMV doesn't open on weekends.
No, the Jefferson DMV doesn't open on Saturday.
No, the Jefferson DMV doesn't open on Sunday.