*DATA SOURCE: The information shown on this page was obtained from the official New York website: https://dmv.ny.gov/. Last update: May 08, 2023.
Tomorrow is President's Day, and some offices will probably be closed or open until noon. Please call your office before visiting.
Hours & availability may change. Please call before visiting.
This office will be closed during the following holidays:
Make a reservation for the shortest office visit.
You can make your appointment online here:
No. Appointments are recommended to save time in line, though.
You can schedule your appointment online pressing here.
Yes. Appointments are recommended to save time in line, though.
You can schedule your appointment online pressing here.
Today, being Tuesday, this office opens at 7:30 a.m.
Today, being Tuesday, this office closes at 5 p.m.
Tomorrow, being Wednesday, this office should open at 7:30 a.m.
However tomorrow is President's Day. So this office will remain closed.
No, Yonkers's office remains closed on weekends.
No, Yonkers's office is closed on Saturdays.
No, Yonkers's office is closed on Sunday.
159 East 125th St., 3rd Floor
New York, New York county
200 Hamilton Ave.
White Plains, Westchester county
30-56 Whitestone Expwy , Flushing
Flushing, Queens county
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