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Carter County DMV

DMV Office near Carter county

Carter County DMV

Opening Hours & Appointments in Carter DMV.

Here you will find information about opening hours and appointments at the Carter DMV.

About Carter DMV offices list.

We have found the closest DMV office, 214.73 miles away off Carter, at 4151 Hospital Road, Healdton.

We also offer you seven other alternative offices, sorted by distance.

Offices in Carter County:

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DMV Appointment in Carter County

Appointment information

There are offices in Carter for which an appointment is required and others that are Walk-In only.

We recommend trying to make an appointment online, and if this is not possible, call your office phone number to ask how to proceed:

Schedule your DMV appointment in Carter

Depends on the office: Appointment is needed for some offices in Carter.

There are offices in Carter for which an appointment is required and others that are Walk-In only.

We recommend trying to make an appointment online, and if this is not possible, call your office phone number to ask how to proceed:

Schedule your DMV appointment in Carter

Depends on the office: Appointment is needed for some offices in Carter.

There are offices in Carter for which an appointment is required and others that are Walk-In only.

We recommend trying to make an appointment online, and if this is not possible, call your office phone number to ask how to proceed:

Schedule your DMV appointment in Carter

DMV Hours in Carter County

Today, being Friday, Carter DMV offices open at different hours, starting from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.

Opening hours:

    110 W Walnut St
    Sayre, Beckham county
    9 a.m.
    115 E. Broadway
    Elk City, Beckham county
    8:30 a.m.
    218 E. Main St.
    Sentinel, Washita county
    8 a.m.
    1997 Veterans Blvd
    Ardmore, Carter county
    8 a.m.
    1997 Veterans Blvd.
    Ardmore, Carter county
    8 a.m.
    2001 Veterans Blvd., Suite B
    Ardmore, Carter county
    8:30 a.m.
    17011 US Highway 70
    Lone Grove, Carter county
    8:30 a.m.
    4151 Hospital Road
    Healdton, Carter county
    8 a.m.

Today, being Friday, Carter DMV offices close at different hours, starting from 12 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Closing hours:

    110 W Walnut St
    Sayre, Beckham county
    5:30 p.m.
    115 E. Broadway
    Elk City, Beckham county
    4:30 p.m.
    218 E. Main St.
    Sentinel, Washita county
    12 p.m.
    1997 Veterans Blvd
    Ardmore, Carter county
    4:15 p.m.
    1997 Veterans Blvd.
    Ardmore, Carter county
    4:45 p.m.
    2001 Veterans Blvd., Suite B
    Ardmore, Carter county
    5 p.m.
    17011 US Highway 70
    Lone Grove, Carter county
    5:30 p.m.
    4151 Hospital Road
    Healdton, Carter county
    5:30 p.m.

Tomorrow, being Saturday, all DMV offices in Carter will remain close.

No, the Carter DMV doesn't open on weekends.

No, the Carter DMV doesn't open on Saturday.

No, the Carter DMV doesn't open on Sunday.

Cities in Carter county

Counties in Oklahoma

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