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Renew California Registration

How to renew your registration: California

Renew California Registration

How Do I Renewal My California Vehicle Registration?

There are two ways to renew your vehicle's registration in California:

Option 1: Online Self-Renewal without Additional Fee

You can renew your registration directly through the California DMV without paying any additional service fees if it is eligible for online renewal.

Option 2: Renew with Our Partner to Receive Additional Benefits

As an alternative, you can renew your registration on the website of our partner. With this choice, you'll get quick phone support as well as an immediate digital copy of your registration as proof. You can additionally choose to use a different mailing address. Remember that there is a small service charge associated with this choice.

California Online Vehicle Registration Renewal:

Do you want to know how to renew your California vehicle registration online? What you'll need is as follows:

  • Check to see if you have your license plate number on hand.
  • The last five digits of your vehicle identification number (VIN) are also required.
  • Make sure your proof of automobile insurance is on file with the DMV.
  • Make sure you have a copy of your proof of smog certification on file with the CA DMV.

Payment for Renewal Fee: To pay your renewal fee, you'll need a legitimate form of payment. You can enter your checking account number, credit card, debit card, ATM card, or any of these.

Remember that if you have any unpaid traffic tickets or delinquency fees, you won't be able to renew online. Your renewal notice will include this information.

California Vehicle Registration Renewal via Mail:

Here is what you will need to send in order to renew your vehicle registration in California by mail:

  • Renewal of Registration Form: Don't forget to submit your renewal of registration form. Put your new address on the form if you've moved and it has changed.
  • Proof of Auto Insurance: If necessary, enclose proof of your auto insurance with the other papers.
  • If your car needs a smog check, send the necessary documentation with your renewal application.
  • Payment of Any Outstanding Fees: Be sure to present documentation of payment if there are any unpaid fees.
  • Make a check or money order payable to the DMV for the renewal fee. Prepare a check or money order for the renewal fee.
  • Mail the required paperwork, along with your payment, to the following address:
    Department of Motor Vehicles P.O. Box 942869 Sacramento, California 94269 Vehicle Registration Operations.

You can successfully renew your vehicle's registration by mail in California by following these instructions.

Renewing by Phone Your CA Registration:

Make sure you meet the following requirements before attempting to renew your CA registration over the phone:

  • Have Your Renewal Notice on Hand: Always have your vehicle's renewal notice on hand.
  • Verify Correct Address: Make sure the address on your renewal notice is correct.
  • Check to see if there are any outstanding delinquency or ticket fees.
  • Call the DMV at (800) 777-0133 if you meet the aforementioned requirements. Your Renewal ID number (RIN) from your renewal notice is required. Additionally, be prepared with the following details:
    • Vehicle Identification Number (VIN): The renewal notice ought to include your VIN.
    • Make sure your DMV file contains a copy of your proof of auto insurance.
    • Proof of Emissions Certification: If necessary, show the DMV your emissions certification documentation.
    • During the call, be prepared to provide your license plate number.

Credit or Debit Card: In order to pay your renewal fee, you will need a credit or debit card.

You can successfully renew your CA registration over the phone with the DMV by following these steps.

California Vehicle Registration Renewal in Person:

Bring the following paperwork to your neighborhood DMV office if you prefer to renew your California vehicle registration in person or if your renewal notice directs you to do so:

  • The Renewal Notice you received, if any.
  • Your current registration certificate, alternatively.
  • Additionally, regardless of the option you pick, bring these documents:
    • Your Current California Driver's License.
    • Bring a Court Clearance Document proving that you have paid any outstanding fees if you have any.
    • Payment for the renewal fees (cash, check, money order, debit/ATM card accepted).

*Please Note: You must renew your registration in person if you have outstanding delinquency fees or traffic tickets.

*Another Note: You can check the status of your registration by contacting the CA DMV if you haven't received your renewal documents. They will help you make sure you have the data you need to continue with your in-person renewal.

Notice of Vehicle Registration Renewal

Have you received a notice from the CA DMV renewing your vehicle registration? What to watch out for is as follows:

  • Date of Expiration: Your registration tag's expiration date will be made very clear in the notice.
  • Fees for Renewal: Information on the fees you must pay for the Renewal is available.
  • Vehicle Details: The notice will contain important details about your car.
  • Check your vehicle's need for a smog inspection if you need to renew your emissions license.
  • Delinquency Fees: You must pay any outstanding fines or tickets before renewing your registration.

Don't worry if you haven't received your car's notice of renewal. You can do the following:

  • Speak to the DMV branch closest to you.
  • For help, call (800) 777-0133.

Keep in mind that even if you didn't receive the notice, you are still in charge of timely renewing your registration. Whenever you move, make sure to update your address with the DMV so that you won't miss any renewal notices in the future.

You can use a third-party service (like the sponsor mentioned above) to help you with your registration needs if you need to renew with an alternative mailing address.

How Are California's Registration Renewal Fees Calculated?

The California DMV uses an online fee calculator to calculate your registration renewal costs while taking into account a number of variables including the year, weight, and value of your vehicle, special license plate fees, and regional county or district fees. Any delinquency charges, such as unpaid parking tickets, must be paid before renewing.

What Late Fees, Penalties, and Fee Refunds Are Applicable to California Registration Renewals?

The CA DMV does not provide a grace period for late renewals. There are three types of late fees: a flat late fee, a percentage of your standard renewal, and a flat California Highway Patrol (CHP) late fee. Renew as soon as possible to prevent additional costs. You might be qualified for a refund of your renewal fees if you depart California before the start of your new renewal period. Send an Application for Refund (Form ADM 399), your vehicle's sticker and registration card, to the address on the form.

Do I Need to Pass an Emissions Test in California to Renew My Vehicle Registration?

If an emissions test is required, you will be informed in your renewal notice. Check out our CA Smog Test Section for more details on exemptions, testing costs, testing locations, and what to do if your car fails the test.

If I'm deployed in the military, can I postpone paying for my vehicle's registration renewal?

The payment for renewing your vehicle registration may be postponed until your return if you are a member of the military, reserve, or national guard and are temporarily stationed outside of California for combat or homeland defense purposes.

You must: in order to be qualified for this waiver.

  • Not be sent out solely for processing, training, or station-changing purposes.
  • Request a waiver of the costs incurred during your deployment.

To avoid any late fees, take the following actions:

  • Visit your local DMV office and adhere to the above-mentioned standard registration renewal procedures.
  • Fill out a Statement of Facts (Form REG 256), indicating your active duty status and dates of deployment.

Keep in mind that you have 60 days starting from the conclusion of your deployment to request a penalty waiver. Call the CA DMV at (800) 777-0133 for more details. It is advisable to make an appointment before visiting the CA DMV.

What Should I Do If I Don't Want to Drive My Car on California's Public Roads?

You can apply for Planned Non-Operation (PNO) status to avoid paying renewal fees if you have a vehicle that you won't be using on public roads for the duration of the registration year.

How to apply for PNO status is as follows:

  • Apply 90 days after your registration expires (with accrued late fees), on or before that date.
  • You can either complete a PNO Certification (Form REG 102) or check the PNO box on your renewal notice.
  • An Affidavit of Non-Use (Form REG 5090) must be completed if you intend to cancel your insurance.
  • Use the following address to send your renewal notice or PNO Certification: Department of Motor Vehicles, P.O. Box 942869, Sacramento, CA 94269.
  • Up to 60 days prior to the expiration of your registration, you may apply for PNO status. Once approved, you will receive an annual PNO notice, which you can disregard until you have plans to use the vehicle once more.

A vehicle moving permit can also be obtained if you need to move or park the vehicle on a public street for one day (for example, to move it to another storage location or test its emissions). Simply fill out an application for a vehicle moving permit at your neighborhood DMV office and pay any required renewal fees.

You must reregister the vehicle if you choose to put it back in regular use on public roads. Pay all necessary renewal fees at your local DMV office and proceed with the previously described standard registration renewal procedures.

What Do I Do If My California License Plates, Stickers, or Registration Certificates Are Lost, Stolen, or Damaged?

It's critical to replace your California registration document, stickers, and license plates as soon as possible if they are misplaced, stolen, or damaged.

To obtain replacement registration certificates or stickers for lost, stolen, or damaged items, follow these steps:

  • Visit a DMV office near you or use their online resources.
  • Fill out the required paperwork and pay the replacement fee.

Similar to that, if your license plates are stolen or lost, you need to:

  • Get a case number by reporting the loss or theft to the local law enforcement organization.
  • In order to request replacement plates, go to the DMV office.
  • Fill out the necessary paperwork and pay the replacement fee.
  • You can maintain compliance and steer clear of potential problems by replacing these items as soon as possible.


David Armento

Chief programmer

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Forms download icon California's official forms for renew your registration

PDF Icon

REG 256 - Statement of Facts

You can use this form to add information to other CA DMV forms or to change information on CA DMV papers you already have.

PDF Icon

REG 5090 - Affidavit of Non-Use

Send this form to the CA DMV if you want to stop the insurance on a car. This form won't take away your car's registration.

PDF Icon

REG 102 - Certificate of Non-Operation

Tell the DMV if you don't drive or park your car on public streets or won't, so you don't have to pay registration fees.

DMV Appointment in California

Appointment information

Most DMV services can be completed without an appointment.

You can, however, schedule a Behind-the-Wheel Drive Test

Appointments for select driverā€™s license transactions are only available after an application has been submitted. Use the ā€œGet in Lineā€ service when available for same day visits:

Schedule your DMV appointment in California

Depends on the service: Appointment is needed for some services.

Most DMV services can be completed without an appointment.

You can, however, schedule a Behind-the-Wheel Drive Test

Appointments for select driverā€™s license transactions are only available after an application has been submitted. Use the ā€œGet in Lineā€ service when available for same day visits:

Schedule your DMV appointment in California

Depends on the service: Appointment is needed for some services.

Most DMV services can be completed without an appointment.

You can, however, schedule a Behind-the-Wheel Drive Test

Appointments for select driverā€™s license transactions are only available after an application has been submitted. Use the ā€œGet in Lineā€ service when available for same day visits:

Schedule your DMV appointment in California

DMV Hours in California

Today, being Friday, California DMV offices open at different hours, starting from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m.

Opening hours:

  • 4 offices at California open today at 7 a.m.
  • 170 offices at California open today at 8 a.m.
  • 1 office at California open today at 9 a.m.

We recommend selecting your county from the list below to find your closest office hours.

Today, being Friday, California DMV offices close at different hours, starting from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Closing hours:

  • 5 offices at California close today at 4 p.m.
  • 170 offices at California close today at 5 p.m.

We recommend selecting your county from the list below to find your closest office hours.

Tomorrow, being Saturday, all DMV offices in California will remain close.

No, the California DMV doesn't open on weekends.

No, the California DMV doesn't open on Saturday.

No, the California DMV doesn't open on Sunday.

Search DMV offices in California by county

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