Here you will find information about opening hours and appointments at the Emery DMV.
We have found the closest DMV office, 37.8 miles away off Emery, at 75 East Main, Castle Dale.
We also offer you seven other alternative offices, sorted by distance.
81 North Main Suite 101, County Courthouse
Brigham City, Box Elder county
No infoUnfortunately, Emery does not offer information about appointments. We recommend contacting your nearest office.
Unfortunately, Emery does not offer information about appointments. We recommend contacting your nearest office.
Unfortunately, Emery does not offer information about appointments. We recommend contacting your nearest office.
Today, being Thursday, Emery DMV offices open at different hours, starting from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Opening hours:
Offices | Thursday |
940 South Carbon Ave. Price, Carbon county | 8 a.m. |
75 East Main Castle Dale, Emery county | 8:30 a.m. |
85 S Long St Green River, Emery county | 10 a.m. |
160 North Main Manti, Sanpete county | 8 a.m. |
18 South Main St., County Courthouse Loa, Wayne county | 9 a.m. |
81 North Main Suite 101, County Courthouse Brigham City, Box Elder county | 8 a.m. |
250 North Main Richfield, Sevier county | 8 a.m. |
1160 South Hwy 118 Richfield, Sevier county | 8 a.m. |
Today, being Thursday, Emery DMV offices close at different hours, starting from 4:45 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Closing hours:
Offices | Thursday |
940 South Carbon Ave. Price, Carbon county | 5 p.m. |
75 East Main Castle Dale, Emery county | 5 p.m. |
85 S Long St Green River, Emery county | 5 p.m. |
160 North Main Manti, Sanpete county | 6 p.m. |
18 South Main St., County Courthouse Loa, Wayne county | 4:45 p.m. |
81 North Main Suite 101, County Courthouse Brigham City, Box Elder county | 5 p.m. |
250 North Main Richfield, Sevier county | 5 p.m. |
1160 South Hwy 118 Richfield, Sevier county | 5 p.m. |
Tomorrow, being Friday, Emery DMV offices will open at different times, starting from 8 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.
Opening hours:
Offices | Friday |
940 South Carbon Ave. Price, Carbon county | 8 a.m. |
75 East Main Castle Dale, Emery county | 8:30 a.m. |
85 S Long St Green River, Emery county | Closed |
160 North Main Manti, Sanpete county | 8 a.m. |
18 South Main St., County Courthouse Loa, Wayne county | Closed |
81 North Main Suite 101, County Courthouse Brigham City, Box Elder county | 8 a.m. |
250 North Main Richfield, Sevier county | 8 a.m. |
1160 South Hwy 118 Richfield, Sevier county | 8 a.m. |
However, take into consideration that two offices will be closed tomorrow.
No, the Emery DMV doesn't open on weekends.
No, the Emery DMV doesn't open on Saturday.
No, the Emery DMV doesn't open on Sunday.