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Salt Lake County DMV

DMV Office near Salt Lake county

Salt Lake County DMV

Opening Hours & Appointments in Salt Lake DMV.

Here you will find information about opening hours and appointments at the Salt Lake DMV.

About Salt Lake DMV offices list.

We have found the closest DMV office, 3.07 miles away off Salt Lake, at 1095 Motor Avenue, Salt Lake City.

We also offer you seven other alternative offices, sorted by distance.

Offices in Salt Lake County:

Offices in Utah near Salt Lake County:

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DMV Appointment in Salt Lake County

Appointment information

To receive prioritized service, please schedule an appointment.

Call your office to obtain information.

No. Appointments are prioritized but not mandatory.

You can schedule your appointment by phone.

Yes. Appointments are prioritized but not mandatory.

You can schedule your appointment by phone.

DMV Hours in Salt Lake County

Today, being Thursday, Salt Lake DMV offices open at different hours, starting from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m.

Opening hours:

    631 North Lagoon Drive
    Farmington, Davis county
    8 a.m.
    969 West Clark Lane (100 North)
    Farmington, Davis county
    8 a.m.
    1095 Motor Avenue
    Salt Lake City, Salt Lake county
    8 a.m.
    380 West 2880 South
    Salt Lake City, Salt Lake county
    8 a.m.
    2780 West 4700 South
    West Valley City, Salt Lake county
    7 a.m.
    1885 W. Ute Blvd,, Suite 400
    Park City, Summit county
    8 a.m.
    14555 South Minuteman Drive
    Draper, Salt Lake county
    7 a.m.
    14555 South Minuteman Drive
    Draper, Salt Lake county
    8 a.m.

Today, being Thursday, Salt Lake DMV offices close at different hours, starting from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Closing hours:

    631 North Lagoon Drive
    Farmington, Davis county
    5 p.m.
    969 West Clark Lane (100 North)
    Farmington, Davis county
    5 p.m.
    1095 Motor Avenue
    Salt Lake City, Salt Lake county
    5 p.m.
    380 West 2880 South
    Salt Lake City, Salt Lake county
    5 p.m.
    2780 West 4700 South
    West Valley City, Salt Lake county
    6 p.m.
    1885 W. Ute Blvd,, Suite 400
    Park City, Summit county
    4:30 p.m.
    14555 South Minuteman Drive
    Draper, Salt Lake county
    6 p.m.
    14555 South Minuteman Drive
    Draper, Salt Lake county
    5 p.m.

Tomorrow, being Friday, Salt Lake DMV offices will open at different times, starting from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m.

Opening hours:

    631 North Lagoon Drive
    Farmington, Davis county
    8 a.m.
    969 West Clark Lane (100 North)
    Farmington, Davis county
    8 a.m.
    1095 Motor Avenue
    Salt Lake City, Salt Lake county
    8 a.m.
    380 West 2880 South
    Salt Lake City, Salt Lake county
    8 a.m.
    2780 West 4700 South
    West Valley City, Salt Lake county
    7 a.m.
    1885 W. Ute Blvd,, Suite 400
    Park City, Summit county
    8 a.m.
    14555 South Minuteman Drive
    Draper, Salt Lake county
    7 a.m.
    14555 South Minuteman Drive
    Draper, Salt Lake county
    8 a.m.

No, the Salt Lake DMV doesn't open on weekends.

No, the Salt Lake DMV doesn't open on Saturday.

No, the Salt Lake DMV doesn't open on Sunday.

Cities in Salt Lake county

Counties in Utah

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