Here you will find information about opening hours and appointments at the Tooele DMV.
We have found the closest DMV office, 0.37 miles away off Tooele, at 47 South Main, Tooele.
We also offer you seven other alternative offices, sorted by distance.
50 South Main, County Courthouse
Fillmore, Millard county
No info2780 West 4700 South
West Valley City, Salt Lake county
Appointments are prioritized14555 South Minuteman Drive
Draper, Salt Lake county
Appointments are prioritized14555 South Minuteman Drive
Draper, Salt Lake county
Appointments are prioritized380 West 2880 South
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake county
Appointments are prioritized1095 Motor Avenue
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake county
Appointments are prioritizedNo appointment is necessary.
No. Walk-ins are accepted.
Yes. Walk-ins are accepted.
Today, being Thursday, Tooele DMV offices open at different hours, starting from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m.
Opening hours:
Offices | Thursday |
1095 Motor Avenue Salt Lake City, Salt Lake county | 8 a.m. |
380 West 2880 South Salt Lake City, Salt Lake county | 8 a.m. |
2780 West 4700 South West Valley City, Salt Lake county | 7 a.m. |
50 South Main, County Courthouse Fillmore, Millard county | 8 a.m. |
47 South Main Tooele, Tooele county | 8 a.m. |
1929 North Aaron Dr., Suite G Tooele, Tooele county | 8 a.m. |
14555 South Minuteman Drive Draper, Salt Lake county | 7 a.m. |
14555 South Minuteman Drive Draper, Salt Lake county | 8 a.m. |
Today, being Thursday, Tooele DMV offices close at different hours, starting from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Closing hours:
Offices | Thursday |
1095 Motor Avenue Salt Lake City, Salt Lake county | 5 p.m. |
380 West 2880 South Salt Lake City, Salt Lake county | 5 p.m. |
2780 West 4700 South West Valley City, Salt Lake county | 6 p.m. |
50 South Main, County Courthouse Fillmore, Millard county | 5 p.m. |
47 South Main Tooele, Tooele county | 5 p.m. |
1929 North Aaron Dr., Suite G Tooele, Tooele county | 5 p.m. |
14555 South Minuteman Drive Draper, Salt Lake county | 6 p.m. |
14555 South Minuteman Drive Draper, Salt Lake county | 5 p.m. |
Tomorrow, being Friday, Tooele DMV offices will open at different times, starting from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m.
Opening hours:
Offices | Friday |
1095 Motor Avenue Salt Lake City, Salt Lake county | 8 a.m. |
380 West 2880 South Salt Lake City, Salt Lake county | 8 a.m. |
2780 West 4700 South West Valley City, Salt Lake county | 7 a.m. |
50 South Main, County Courthouse Fillmore, Millard county | 8 a.m. |
47 South Main Tooele, Tooele county | 8 a.m. |
1929 North Aaron Dr., Suite G Tooele, Tooele county | 8 a.m. |
14555 South Minuteman Drive Draper, Salt Lake county | 7 a.m. |
14555 South Minuteman Drive Draper, Salt Lake county | 8 a.m. |
No, the Tooele DMV doesn't open on weekends.
No, the Tooele DMV doesn't open on Saturday.
No, the Tooele DMV doesn't open on Sunday.